Fab Fun Before The Boy Leaves
Hello, tiny pinhead humans! Why are you shrieking? |
See, the animals are RIGHT THERE in your face staring at you and sticking their boulder sized heads (often including horns) in your Subaru. When they're not licking your windows that is. The panic in the car at first was nothing short of awesome. The kids went crazy, the dog went crazy, I went crazy. Because of the HUGE FURRY HEADS AND TONGUES LICKING US. Ray was just doing his best to keep the car moving because if you don't keep going, you get swarmed and stopped by one of many herds. They just box you in. Like they know WE are the real show. WE are THEIR entertainment. I mean, if I was one of these boulder headed furry beasts, I'd sure be entertained watching our whole family shrieking and the dog jumping up and down in back. I'm sure we looked ridiculous and the herds had a good laugh.
After a while, we all calmed down enough to just start cautiously feeding the creatures with the approved whole wheat bread you can buy from the game farm ahead of time. But it was still a little scary.
Yes, that's Bryant saying, "Ok, go away! I don't want to be friends!" when this one got really close in to him. That right there made this outing totally worth the admission. ;)
Here's another video of Claire feeding a petronus. Yes they're real.
And I kind of loved this very chill hot-tubbing bear...
Hols wasn't sure about any of the animals or why they were following our car. But she also figured out none of them was actually coming IN the car to eat her. She was in fact, the safest of all of us from being licked in some unwanted fashion since she was in the way back area. So soon she turned her all attention to the fact that these stranger animals were getting three loaves worth of wheat bread and she was getting none.
It was a good time visiting the Olympic Game Farm, and I would like to do it again sometime. I'm thinking the grandpas and grandmas should go next time they're here visiting.
After the game farm, we drove along the waterfront and found a spit to explore and take pics. So here's that exquisite beauty part of the raw, natural scenery I mentioned.
While there, Claire took a couple shots of me which rarely happens as I'm usually the one taking pics of all the family.
After the beach, we also rode a ferry which is always fun...
And docked just in time to catch the spectacular 8:27pm sunset at Edmonds Beach...
We got frozen yogurts afterward and took a long walk through Edmonds which has one of the best downtowns in the Seattle region. It was a good ending to a great day of just being together.
The next evening for another family outing, we went to the M's game with our friends Sam, Cindy, Jeevan, and Ezra, and that was also cool as it was their first time taking the kids to Safeco Field. Their boys have a special bond with Bryant, so it's not going to be the same without him around regularly. I'm not sure the younger boys totally get that Bryant is leaving for most of the year, but I'm sure they'll ask me where he is every time I see them until it finally sinks in. It was good to just all be together before he leaves. This family is one of our favorites to hang out with. Good people, good friends, many good times with them. I'm glad they could be a part of one of our family outings this week.
A few days later, on Saturday, we took the kids to brunch at Pomegranate and then to the University of Washington aquatic activity center where they got to rent a canoe for the first time.
After canoeing, we asked Bry what he wanted to eat for dinner, what he might miss from Seattle, and he said he wanted sushi. Even though the best sushi we've ever had is at Sugarfish in L.A. where he is headed lol. But Musashi's chirashi bowl does not disappoint, so that was our very tasty dinner. A lot of other people think this too. I don't think I've ever been here when there's no line...
for this yumminess...
After dinner, we got the best handmade popsicles from Seattle Pops across the street from Musashi's.
You can get chocolate dipped ones or vegan fruity ones.
Here is mine: blackberry ginger. And it was seriously delicious.
I like their stick design...
And Claire liked their sign.
After popsicles, we went to see a late movie in downtown Seattle.
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Email: christinahyun@johnlscott.com
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